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Basic Info

LMS Corporation LOGO Company
LMS Corporation
Address RM# 1923, Kumkang Penterium IT Tower, 282, Hagui-ro, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea Website www.lmscorp.kr
Tel 82-70-4488-4130 Fax 82-31-450-5866
Year of Exhibition 2023 Booth No. E006
Pavilion Exhibit Item Multi function Test System - Moku:Pro

Company Introduction

LMS is a ToF and LiDAR solution specialist, and has been contributing to the development of 3D ToF technology with Espros(Switzerland) which has various technologies and practical examples in the field for 10 yrs. In particular, we are supporting domestic companies to apply and develop 3D ToF Systems in the fields of virtual reality, augmented reality, autonomous driving, facial recognition, security and safety devices based on the development of 5G communication technology and IoT technology.

Product Introduction